Elke was born and raised in a small city in the center of Belgium. She spent most of her childhood and teenage years at the local dance studio, discovering her love and passion for lots of different dancestyles. After competing and performing on stages throughout the country, she realized she wanted to pursue a dance career. Elke moved to the Netherlands to attend a 4-year Bachelor Study
in Dance and Dance Education (Fontys Academy of Performing Arts) to become a performer, teacher and choreographer. During her time in college, she developed herself as an allround dancer and showgirl.
Elke has worked as a freelance dancer in Theatre Shows (e.g. Efteling Theatre Production) and Dinnershows (e.g. Witte Paard Blankenberge, Cabaret Magiq, De Avenue Breda). Next to being on stage herself, she’s also training and guiding the next generation of talents as a danceteacher, competition coach and choreographer.
Elke is currently working in Spain as a Showgirl/dancer at Benidorm Palace.